Newborn Photography Safety

Newborn Photography Safety

While posing babies is not particularly my style, I realize how popular the trend is.  That being said, if you find yourself working with a photographer who seems to be confused as to how to get the poses you’re wanting, please, for the safety of your baby, step in and stop them.  Newborn photography safety is your responsibility as a parent.  

newborn photography safety

newborn photography safety

The internet is filled with newborn pictures.  Unfortunately, many are putting babies in unnatural positions, and in the process, jeopardizing their safety.  No picture is worth this!  If you are going to be having newborn portraits taken, regardless of your choice of photographer, please watch this video to understand the behind-the-scene process. Babies don’t magically hold themselves up for photographers.  Experienced photographers take multiple shots with hands gently holding the babies in place, and then composite them together.  

With any photographer, you must assert yourself and keep the safety of your baby as your #1 priority.


A Living, Breathing Miracle

I recognize that all babies are miracles.  But when your life starts out with complications, it makes every day together that much sweeter.  Such is the case with little Miss C.  She terrified all of us in the beginning, but thanks to the amazing Dr.s & Nurses that cared for her and much praise to God for giving her the strength to pull through, I had the enormous privilege of holding my beautiful, healthy niece in my arms for the first time in December.  I only wish I could see her everyday.

I’d also like to put in a plug for the Ronald McDonald house for providing my sister & her husband a place to stay where they could be close to their baby.  What an incredible organization!

So here she is, after a long wait (both to meet her and to finally get these pictures posted online!)