Today’s sneak peek.

This little guy was so happy – he smiles, he coos, he flashes those baby-blues, and was an absolute joy to photograph.   Thanks for welcoming me into your home today.  Here’s your sneak peek.  I’ll email as soon as the full set of proofs is online.

Sneak Peek

This morning I went to Irvine to photograph this beautiful family.  These kids are so happy – you can tell there’s a lot of love in this home.  The little guy is FAST but I managed to get some adorable photographs of him!  And his big sister loves the camera, which makes my job so much easier!  Thanks for having me over today.  I hope you love your sneak peek 🙂 .

Orange County Photography

Last month I traveled down to the beach to photograph these adorable kids.  I normally don’t do a lot of beach photography, but since the ocean was in their back yard, how could I refuse?  The light was amazing, the family was a blast, and I love our results.


black and white, backlight, portrait, child

photogrpahy, orange county, kids